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Environmental projects Social projects
Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation

Federal project “Forest Conservation” 2024

Implementation of the Federal Project “Forest Conservation” in 2024 within the framework of the National Project “Ecology”. Activities for forest reproduction were carried out: planting forest crops on an area of 65 hectares, Korean Cedar seedlings on the territory of leased forest areas of the Primorsky Territory.

Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation

Federal project “Forest Conservation” 2023

In 2023, measures were taken to restore forests: planting forest crops; ForestGrand LLC planted 126 thousand Korean cedar seedlings on an area of 42 hectares. 15 company employees and 15 local residents of the Primorsky Territory were involved.

Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation

Federal project “Forest Conservation” 2022

In 2022, measures were taken to restore forests: planting forest crops; ForestGrand LLC planted 126 thousand Korean cedar seedlings on an area of 42 hectares. 14 company employees and 12 local residents of the Primorsky Territory were involved.

Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation

Federal project “Forest Conservation” 2021

In 2021, measures were taken to restore forests: planting forest crops; ForestGrand LLC planted 126 thousand Korean cedar seedlings on an area of 40 hectares. 15 company employees and 14 local residents of the Primorsky Territory were involved.

Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation

Federal project “Forest Conservation” 2020

In 2020, ForestGrand LLC carried out measures for forest reproduction: planting forest crops, planting 126 thousand Korean cedar seedlings on an area of 40 hectares. 20 company employees and 18 local residents of the Primorsky Territory were involved.

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Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

National project "Labor Productivity" 2024

Goals - To ensure that by 2024 the growth rate of labor productivity in medium and large enterprises in basic non-resource sectors of the economy is not lower than 5% per year. More than 20% increase in labor productivity by 2024.


Social project "Charity" 2023

In 2023, on a long-term and permanent basis, we will provide comprehensive support to the All-Russian public movement “MOTHERS OF RUSSIA!”

Government of the Primorsky Territory of the Russian Federation

Regional assistance program for defenders of the Motherland 2022

In 2022, the company took an active part in regional programs of the Primorsky Territory to help Defenders of the Motherland and their families.

Association of Volunteer Centers of the Russian Federation

Social project "Charity" 2022

In 2022, our company became a participant in the International Prize “WE ARE TOGETHER” in the Primorsky Territory, and received a Gratitude from the Council of the Association of Volunteer Movements.

Football League "Champion League"

Social project "SPORT" 2022

In 2022, our company took an active part as a partner and sponsor in the organization of sports competitions in the Primorsky Territory in mini-football, organized by the Interregional Public Organization Far Eastern Amateur Football League "Champion League".

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