Kozhemyako O.N.,
Governor of the Primorsky Territory
Letter of gratitude from the Governor of the Primorsky Territory of the Russian Federation O.N. Kozhemyako LLC ForestGrand for conscientious work in forestry, high professionalism and in connection with the celebration of Forest Worker Day, 2023

Khizhinsky K.V.,
Head of Administration of the Chernigov Municipal District
Letter of thanks from the Head of the Administration of the Chernigov Municipal District of the Primorsky Territory of the Russian Federation Khizhinsky K.V. LLC ForestGrand for its great contribution to the development of skiing in the Chernigov municipal district of the Primorsky Territory of the Russian Federation, 2023

Buraya A.S.,
Head of the Kavalerovsky District of the Primorsky Territory of the Russian Federation
Gratitude from the Head of the Kavalerovsky District of the Primorsky Territory of the Russian Federation to the company ForestGrand LLC for participation in the public life of the Kavalerovsky District of the Primorsky Territory and in connection with the celebration of the International Women's Day on March 8!, 2023

Mukhortova I.A.,
Spassk-Dalniy, Primorsky Territory, 2023
Gratitude from the All-Russian Organization of Parents of Disabled Children to ForestGrand LLC for long-term cooperation and comprehensive support of projects and programs for families with disabled children, 2023

Terekhova A.A.,
Autonomous non-profit organization "PRO STO KHVOSTOV"
Letter of gratitude from the company ForestGrand LLC for the implementation of social projects, for help, responsiveness, concern, and social orientation, and constant participation in the life of the city and animal assistance institutions, 2023

Arukhtin A.A.,
President of the Interregional Public Organization of the Far East CHAMPION LEAGUE
The Interregional Public Organization Far Eastern Amateur Football League "Champion League" awarded the ForestGrand LLC Company with the Diploma of the Primorsky Territory Mini-Football CUP for 3rd place in the championship football League in the Primorsky Territory, 2023

Kozhemyako O.N.,
Governor of the Primorsky Territory
Letter of gratitude from the Governor of the Primorsky Territory of the Russian Federation O.N. Kozhemyako ForestGrand LLC for their initiative, selfless assistance and conscientious work aimed at protecting the Motherland, 2022

Kozhemyako O.N.,
Governor of the Primorsky Territory
Gratitude to ForestGrand LLC for the implementation of investment projects and the creation of new jobs in the urban district of Spassk-Dalniy, the initiative taken in resolving issues of local importance, personal contribution in holding city events and in honor of the 136th anniversary of the founding of the city of Spassk-Dalniy Primorsky regions of the Russian Federation, 2022

Anisimov Fedor Vyacheslavovich, GlavMebel LLC,
As a company representative, I have had the pleasure of working with you over the past year. From the first day of our interaction, your company has demonstrated the highest level of professionalism, reliability and commitment to quality.
Novikov Igor Alekseevich, Studio NIK LLC,
For two years we have been regular clients and partners of LLC TD NEOFOREST. We have a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the Far Eastern tree species Ash and Oak. We purchase modern and environmentally friendly lumber.
Oganesyan Arthur Paykari, LLC WorldForest,
We purchase modern and environmentally friendly lumber, of good quality, with a beautiful texture. Fast preparation of financial documents. It is possible to pay by bank transfer or in cash when visiting the office and product warehouse. The company LLC TD "NEOFORET" has demonstrated the highest level of professionalism, reliability and commitment to quality.
Vagizov Ruslan Ildusovich, Woodrus LLC,
We constantly buy lumber: edged boards Oak, Ash. Always in stock, all sizes, good quality. From the first day of our partnership and interaction, your company TD NEOFORET LLC has demonstrated the highest level of professionalism, reliability and commitment to quality.
Asoyan Grachya Norairovich, GSI LLC,
Fast preparation of financial documents. It is possible to pay by bank transfer or in cash when visiting the office and product warehouse. The company LLC TD "NEOFORET" has demonstrated the highest level of professionalism, reliability and commitment to quality.
Novikov Igor Alekseevich,
We bought calibrated planed edged boards of Ilm, Oak and Ash species, chamber drying, humidity 8-12%. All sizes available and excellent quality! Far Eastern tree species, beautiful wood texture. Fast preparation of financial documents. It is possible to pay by bank transfer or in cash when visiting the office and product warehouse.
Asoyan Grachya Norairovich,
A unique opportunity to get acquainted with the Far Eastern tree species Ash and Oak. I have had the pleasure of collaborating with you over the past two years. From the first day of our interaction, your company has demonstrated the highest level of professionalism, reliability and commitment to quality.
Vagizov Ruslan Ildusovich,
Governor of the Primorsky Territory
For two years we have been regular clients and partners of LLC TD NEOFOREST. We have a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the Far Eastern tree species Elm, Ash and Oak. We purchase modern and environmentally friendly lumber, all sizes available.