a call

Shipping and payment


Delivery is carried out after 100% payment for the goods and execution of financial documents. Pickup of goods is possible. Delivery by logistics companies is possible. You can calculate the preliminary delivery cost yourself by entering the necessary data into the calculation calculator. We will help you organize delivery. Delivery costs depend on the vehicle's carrying capacity and delivery area. Shipping costs include loading and transportation. Unloading is carried out by the customer. The timing and availability of lumber can be further discussed with the manager by phone 8 (988) 8883337.


Payment is accepted in Russian rubles. In our company you can pay for the goods in one of the following ways: Cashless payment on account (for legal entities, you provide the details of your organization, as well as an application for materials in free form, we quickly prepare an invoice and agreement, you make payment), Bank transfer, Payment by Bank card, Cash payment upon receipt or self-pickup (during a personal visit to the warehouse and sales office). In this case, an invoice and sales receipt are provided. Information can be further discussed with the manager by phone 8 (988) 8883337.

Calculate approximate delivery cost

Calculate approximate delivery cost

Cargo dimensions
Cargo weight, kg
Delivery address
Declared price, rub.
Fill in the form
: x x

We are always
in touch!

350002, Krasnodar, st. Severnaya, 490, office 502
Sales Office address
121357, Moscow, Vereyskaya street 17, office No. 109B
Email Sales Office
Contact number +7 988 888 333 7

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